Monday, April 25, 2016

Book Review: Wizard and Glass (The Dark Tower IV)

Hello readers~

** Warning: This is a review series for The Dark Tower and contains spoilers about the series. Please do not continue if you do not want the plot/surprises undone for you. Can't say I didn't warn you, thanks! ** 

Continuing the journey into the world of The Dark Tower! Completed Wizard and Glass by Stephen King (1997, Western/Horror Fiction) is very quickly rising to the top of my favorite series' list. Before I start rambling and give away any good parts, I'll go ahead with my pros and cons.

Im going to go ahead and add my personal opinion of the book: I had mixed feelings favoring the positive. This book hit a lot of things for me, and missed some things. More details below.


  • This book was a whirlwind of backstory. During the first four, Roland only hints at his long lost love Susan. He meets memories of her several times throughout The Dark Tower. Wizard and Glass gives us the entire story of their love; how they meet, how their love ends, Roland's entire purpose for being in Mejis. This book has it all, and if you're a fan of character development you'll very much enjoy the narrative in this book. 
  • Along those same lines, you are introduced to more characters in Roland's life and how they were (before the world moved on, of course); from Cuthbert to Alain, Susan and a magic glass ball that can do incredible things. All of these tie into the story where it picks up. 
  • I have to say this book had pretty much everything: love, revenge, suspense, humor, horror. It was a rollercoaster but one minute I was laughing, the next crying. Intense. 
  • I mentioned this as a pro, but it can be flipped around. Wizard and Glass does not further the story of Eddie, Susannah, Jake, and Oy along with Roland (until the end that is). This strictly details a piece of Roland's backstory. In fact, the story begins around 30 pages of the book and continues until almost 30 pages are left. If you love character development, you'll love it. If not (I prefer it to a point. Too much character development can be a bad thing), it can get tough to finish. This is just my personal opinion. 
  • I don't know if it's just me, but I felt a twinge of regret at the ending of Roland's tale. I didn't exactly like Susan but I don't think she deserved the fate the got. The only reason I include this if because I know some enjoy endings wrapping up, and this could be a downfall. 
  • After Roland tells his tale, there is a funny little bit at the end of Wizard and Glass. Roland, Eddie, Susannah, Jake, and Oy find what is supposedly a strange rip off of The City of Oz. They also happen upon "The Wizard of Oz" and what was left of the Tick Tock Man after The Waste Lands. The ending is strange, and can throw people off. 
Overall, this was one of the weirder books in The Dark Tower series. I'm not saying by any means that I didn't enjoy it. I have loved every new installment of this series. I highly, and will always highly, recommend this series to anyone who loves science-fiction, Stephen King, and an amazing story. 

As always, keep reading. 

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