Saturday, May 14, 2016

Book Review: The Green Mile

Lovely readers,

I decided to take a little break from The Dark Tower (I haven't gotten my hands on the rest of it yet), and start reading some other books that have been on my list. I recently finished The Green Mile (Stephen King, 1996, Crime/Dark Fiction) and just had to write a review of it. Most people are familiar with the story of the The Green Mile, as it was made into a very popular movie starring Tom Hanks (1999). I personally loved this movie and was pleasantly surprised at the accuracy it held with the book. Anyway, I'll include my pros and cons below. Enjoy!

  • As always with Stephen King, this novel contains an amazing story that really touches you. There was a lot of emotion brought up for me reading this book, and I think King wanted it that way. 
  • Obviously I've have to include the fact that The Green Mile and the movie it was based on are perfectly similar. The movie honestly captured just as much awe and emotion as the book did. I was not disappointed in the least. 
  • Luckily I don't have to worry about giving anything away (most people have seen or heard about this novel), my biggest pro besides the storyline was the way that Percy went out. There was no better punishment but insanity fit for a man like that, in my opinion. I count what happened to him a triumph. 
  • This book isn't suitable for young readers. King has a tendency to be a bit more descriptive than some may necessarily want. There are examples of that in this book, for sure. 
  • There is a bitter taste at the end of this novel. John Coffey is not acquitted or anything like that. He is, as planned, handed over to the electric chair. This book does a good job of reminding you that good doesn't always triumph over evil, and that sometimes you don't have control. It's not really a con, but to some people it may not sit well. 
  • In my personal opinion, I thought the ending to the book was a bit anticlimactic. Maybe that was just me, but I felt myself reaching for more. 
Well, I definitely enjoyed this novel. I probably enjoyed it more than I ever did the movie (no matter how much I love Tom Hanks). I would highly recommend reading it even if you have seen the movie. It will give you greater detail and emotion than watching it on a screen ever could. 

Keep reading! 


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